Late April COVID-19 Update
Published April 29, 2020
While we await Governor Ducey’s new COVID-19 guidance we are staying the course of our April plan for the first Sunday in May. That means that this Sunday we will not be meeting for Adult Fellowship Groups or Children’s Sunday School classes. Our worship service will continue to be a contactless service where we do not have a nursery, printed bulletin, greeters, donuts, or pass the offering baskets. You can give in person by placing your offering in the boxes at the back of the worship center auditorium, and you can also give online or by mailing your offering to the church office. We will celebrate the Lord’s Supper as we have done in April.
We also have our congregational meeting scheduled immediately following the worship service. This meeting will be available to attend in person for those who are at the morning service or online via Zoom for those who continue to physical distance. Voting on the various issues on the agenda will be available for those who attend in person and for those who attend via Zoom, and voting will be anonymous (secret ballot) regardless of how you attend the meeting. A Zoom link to the meeting will be sent to all members via email later this week.
Our next elders meeting is May 4. During our meeting we will prayerfully consider the process of resuming our various ministries that have been paused the past six weeks. If you have any feedback regarding how or when to resume our full church life, please email the elders and let us know as soon as possible. We plan to send an update for May and perhaps beyond after our meeting. We appreciate your prayers for wisdom as we seek to make biblically informed and wise decisions that protect not only the physical health, but much more importantly, the spiritual health of our Desert Hills church family.
We know this time has been difficult on many people, and as it continues the impacts are felt even greater. If you have any prayer concerns or need to talk through discouragement, anxiety, or depression, please reach out to the elders and let us know. We want to be a source of encouragement and help, and we keep such requests confidential. If you have financial needs or other material needs, please let the deacons know so they can help you out of the church benevolent fund.
We continue to pray for all of you, and we appreciate your continued prayers for us.