The Library
Ministry Overview
The Desert Hills Library contains over 2,900 items to help you in your study of God’s Word. Items can be checked out whenever the church is open. We take great care to add books, DVDs, and CDs for all ages that we hope the church body can use to learn, grow, and also enjoy.
We are continually adding new books to our shelves and are happy when donations come in. If you find yourself purging your own bookshelves, we will be glad to use what we can!

Digital Catalog
Our digital catalog is easy to browse. You can filter the list by recent additions, author, title, or published date. You also have the ability to search by tag word, such as salvation, devotional, marriage, Ephesians, etc. Once in the library, an iPad is available to digitally “check out” books. (*Note: Currently, digital checkout is only available via the Library iPad.)

Parents, if your children are reading more or listening to audiobooks and you want help discerning their choices, Redeemed Reader and Plugged In Books offer helpful reviews.