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Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

The following is a letter we sent to Rusty Bowers, the Republican Speaker of the Arizona House of Representatives, regarding House Bill 2802. If you want to support this letter and call Mr. Bowers to withdraw his support from this bill and, most importantly, to repent and put his faith in Christ, please sign your name in the comments below.

Dear Mr. Rusty Bowers,

On your website, you committed to serving your constituents in a fair and honest manner and always having an open door policy. We appreciate your desire to hear from Arizona voters, and in response to that we are asking you to reconsider your support of HB 2802, a bill you recently introduced in the Arizona legislature.

HB 2802 aims to achieve two objectives. First, the bill seeks to ban “conversion therapy” provided to minors by a health provider. Second, the bill seeks to designate “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” as protected legal classes in the state of Arizona. Both of these objectives create significant problems that should prompt the withdrawal of your support for the bill.

Section 32-3230 designates providing “conversion therapy” to a minor as “unprofessional conduct for a health provider.” The underlying concern of this statute is understandable since secular forms of conversion therapy are ineffective and often harmful. Their uselessness and harmfulness were identified long before this statute was conceived. Colossians 2:23 says, “These are matters which have, to be sure, the appearance of wisdom in self-made religion and self-abasement and severe treatment of the body, but are of no value against fleshly indulgence.” Severe treatment of the body is ineffective to rid people of the desires of the flesh, which include all forms of sexual immorality, including things like men acting like women, women acting like men, and homosexual desires and activities. No amount of secular conversion therapy can do anything to eradicate the sinful desires in the heart of human beings. As a Christian, I wholeheartedly proclaim that the solution for such desires of the sinful flesh is not found in any secular method or any religious belief other than the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The problem with this ban of conversion therapy, however, is that it makes three significant errors.

First, the bill oversteps the sphere of governmental authority by intruding into the God-ordained establishment of parental authority. Banning “conversion therapy” among minors takes the rights of parents away from deciding what is best for their own children. Certainly there are times when parents act in ways that are criminal against their own children, and in such cases the state must intervene. The state exists to protect the rights of each of its citizens, including those who are minors, and parents are not authorized by God to take away their children’s rights any more than any other person or institution. However, the state has failed to show in this statute that parents who want their children to undergo “conversion therapy” have done anything criminal or have deprived their children of their legal rights. The state is in essence acting as the de facto parents of all minors within its jurisdiction, superseding parental rights and authority unlawfully and arbitrarily.

Second, this bill errs in differentiating religious forms of conversion therapy from secular forms of conversion therapy. As Colossians 2:23, noted above, makes plain, all attempts to rid the sinner of his evil desires are inherently religious. They might be self-made religion, but they remain religious nonetheless. The exception given in this bill essentially makes the bill meaningless because anyone who is providing conversion therapy can legitimately claim they are doing so as a religious practice. Certainly, anything outside biblical Christianity is a false religion and false religious practice, but the bill does not specify only biblical conversion is allowed for the conversion of the sexually immoral. Therefore, the bill will effectively ban nothing. This, by the way, appears to be a feature of the bill rather than a bug. The ineffectiveness of the bill will inevitably pave the way to removing the religious exemption, which is the end goal of the ungodly who seek to advance this type of legislation. Canada’s bill C-4 serves as a significant example of the true objective of those who promote these laws. Therefore, not only will this bill not ban anything in the present, but it will serve as a precursor to religious persecution in the future.

Third, this bill recognizes something that is non-existent as a reality, namely, the concept of gender identity as differentiated from biological sex. There is no scientific basis for differentiating a person’s biological sex from their gender identity. Furthermore, there is no concrete way to define someone’s gender identity, which those who embrace such ideology admit is fluid. But most importantly, the Word of God rejects the concept of gender identity as an abomination before God (Deuteronomy 22:5). To recognize that human beings can select their own gender is to reject the sovereign authority of God, who has created all people and all things, and who alone has the authority to assign each person’s gender. The contemporary theory of gender identity is destroying countless lives, and perpetuating this myth is harmful to society and rebellious against the living God.

HB 2802 also seeks to define “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” as protected legal classes in the state of Arizona. The above paragraph explains why this is problematic and immoral in terms of gender identity, but the problem with defining these two issues as protected legal classes goes deeper.

Romans 13:4 states that government “is a minister of God, an avenger who brings wrath on the one who practices evil.” The Apostle Paul, under the inspiration of the Spirit of God, also notes that government exists to promote good behavior (Romans 13:3). Good and evil behavior are not left to the whims of politicians or bureaucrats, nor are they under the purview of the general populace. The Word of God itself defines what is good and evil behavior, and it repeatedly asserts that sexual immorality is evil behavior (Romans 1:18-32; 1 Corinthians 6:9-11; Galatians 5:19-21; Hebrews 13:4. These are but a small sampling of passages). 

The government does not exist to sanction sexual immorality or to turn a group of people who engage in it into a protected class. The government exists to serve the living God by upholding His standard of righteousness. Whenever government defies God’s commands, it usurps the place of God and invites God’s judgment. Creating a protected class of people based on their sexual immorality is an act of defiance against the law of God and can do nothing other than provoke Him to wrath against the state of Arizona.

For the good of the state of Arizona and its citizens, we urge you to pull your support from HB 2802 and stand for truth and righteousness in our state. The only way to fulfill God’s command to love our neighbor as ourselves is to uphold His standard of righteousness, not the standard created by the corrupt heart of sinful men.

Finally, because we are concerned about something greater than earthly political issues, we urge you personally, Mr. Bowers, to turn away from your sin against God and to put your faith in Jesus Christ alone for the forgiveness of your sins. God has fixed a day in which He will judge the world in righteousness through Jesus Christ, and He proved this by raising Jesus from the dead. The only possible way to escape this judgment and inherit eternal life is to repent of your sin and believe in Jesus Christ, confessing that He alone is Lord and King. We pray you will consider what God’s Word says, and that the Spirit will move in your heart to grant repentance and faith in Christ that you might be saved.

For the glory of our King and the advance of His kingdom,

Robb Brunansky
Jason Crothers
Matt Yeary
Will Sanderson
Phil Livingston
Sam Lind

Do you agree with this letter and want to join as a signer to show your support? In the comments section below, leave a comment with your name, city, state, church affiliation, and role in your church, if any.

  1. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Pastor David D. Edgington

    Christians often get confused and errantly morph moral issues into mere political ones. We stay in our holy huddles as the culture caves in around us and moves towards more and more depravity. Such was the case with Roe vs. Wade and abortion, and such will likely be the case with HB 2802. It appears that HB 2802 is a “nose of the camel in the tent” tactic not just of the Left, but of the “Neville Chamberlain” right. This kind of appeasement does not honor the glorious Lord Jesus Christ but rather is ashamed of the gospel. There will inevitably be much more extreme and even draconian policies that follow on the heels of this bill, so it is surreptitiously dangerous. As horrific and murderous as abortion is, a bill like HB 2802 could likely have even more wide reaching consequences since it will surely be used to censor and censure Pastors, Counselors and even Parents from speaking against the pervading sins of our land and our own families. Where is the compassion for those caught in these besetting sins? How will they find freedom through the Only One Who can set them free (John 8:34-36)? We would do well to read Romans 1:18-32 again where God “gave them up” (1:24, 26, 28) to more and more depravity, and finally giving them up to a “debased mind” (28) that cannot even think clearly about black and white issues. Please fellow Christians, rise up o saints of God and proclaim the truth of the Word of the Living God!

    David D. Edgington, PhD
    Senior Pastor Christ’s Community Church of El Mirage
    Executive Director of Compassionate Counselors, Inc.
    Member of Desert Hills Bible Church
    Phoenix, AZ

    • Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

      Kimberly Jean Sturms

      Dear Mr. Bowers,
      PLEASE, for all that is holy, right, and true, withdraw your support for this horrendously evil bill and do the right thing. I will be praying for your salvation and hope you understand how much is at stake here. We as a body at Desert Hills Bible Church support every last word that is written in this petition and hope you can support and agree with it too. May you make the right decision.

      Kimberly Sturms
      Phoenix, AZ
      Member of Desert Hills Bible Church

  2. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Robert Lehman

    I agree with, support and encourage this petition.
    Robert Lehman
    Peoria, AZ
    Desert Hills Bible Church
    Member and audio/video assistant

  3. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Diana Wright

    Mr. Bowers,
    Please consider withdrawing your support of this bill.
    Thank you for your consideration,
    Diana Wright

  4. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Jason Wright

    Mr. Bowers,
    Please consider withdrawing your support of this bill.
    Thank you for your consideration,
    Jason Wright

  5. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Heaven Dykhuizen

    Mr. Bowers,

    I support this petition and ask that you strongly consider withdrawing your support of this bill.

    Heaven Dykhuizen

  6. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Charlene Hillis

    I am in full agreement with every point in this letter. HB2802 must be defeated. Mr. Bowers, please do your part.

    Charlene Hillis
    Desert Hills Bible Church Member

  7. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Lori Bango

    Mr. Bowers, I stand in agreement with this letter and implore you to withdraw your support from this Bill.
    Lori Bango
    Desert Hills Bible Church Member
    2nd Vice Chair Legislative District 22

  8. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Carrie Silvers

    Dear Secretary Bowers,
    Please vote against bill HB 2802. I, a conservative Jew stand along side my Christian friends and AZ citizens. This bill is not a bill for the well being of Arizona citizens and children.
    Carrie Silvers RN

  9. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Alan Thompson

    Mr. Bowers, please do not support this HB 2802. It is not a good or healthy bill that supports future generations. It promotes a breakdown of morals, culture and sever mental health issues.

  10. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers


    Mr. Bowers, Please do not support this HB 2802. It is not a good bill for Arizona’s children, it is too much government involvement when kids are not even considering this type of thing in the first place. Thank you for doing what is right!

  11. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Karye Perez

    Senator Bowers ,
    I stand behind every word in this letter and ask that as a leader you not support HB 2802. I pray for you continually Sir.

    Karye Perez,
    Servant of Jesus Christ
    Officer Simons Law/ Simons Kid (HB2122)
    Family/ Child Advocate
    Precinct Committeeman Legislative District 22

  12. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers


    Mr. Bowers
    I agree with this letter. Please do not support this bill. This is not the responsibility of the government.

    Pamela Schiller
    Desert Hills Bible Church

  13. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Liz McKenzie

    Senator Bowers ,
    I 100% agree with every word in this letter and ask that you rescind your sponsorship of HB 2802. We do no co-parent with the government. Minors should not have the autonomy to make life altering decisions when they don’t have the brain/developmental capability to in the first place.

    Liz McKenzie
    Phoenix, AZ

  14. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Jennifer Drake

    Senator Bowers,
    Please do NOT advance bill HB 2802. The government does not have the right to be making decisions for our children. I agree with everything in this letter!
    Thank you and God Bless!

  15. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Jennifer Drake

    Senator Bowers,
    Please do not advance this bill HB2802. The government does not need to be involved in making decisions for our children that is the responsibility of the parents. This is complete government overreach. I agree with this letter.

    Thank you!

  16. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Meta Campbell

    Speaker Bowers,
    “For the good of the state of Arizona and its citizens, we urge you to pull your support from HB 2802 and stand for truth and righteousness in our state.” And I urge you to turn your life over to Christ, and answer to Him first and foremost.

    Meta Campbell
    Peoria, AZ
    Regular attender at Desert Hills Bible Church

  17. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Gary Paisley

    Speaker Bowers,

    Thank you for your leadership and support on past pro-life, pro-family legislation on Arizona.

    I know you think this legislation is a good compromise for LGBTQ community and faith communities, but it is not. The faith community will lose.

    Please withdraw this bill.

    Gary Paisley

  18. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Brian Inman

    Isaiah 5:20-21 Genesis 1:27 Isaiah 55:6-7
    Deuteronomy 6:5-9 Mark 1:15

    Senator Bowers
    Please do not advance this bill HB2802. The government does not and should not be making decisions for our children that is the responsibility of parents. I completely agree and support this letter.

  19. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Iris Kelly

    Mr. Bowers, Senator for the people of Arizona,
    I beg you to stop the insanity of the bill HB2802, to represent the people.
    Thank you for your consideration!
    Iris Kelly

  20. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Kirsten Shaw

    It is this job of the church to deal with spiritual matters, not the government’s. This bill is addressing a spiritual matter, not an issue of justice. Be concerned with executing justice as the Lord has prescribed for the government and the church will be concerned with the matters the Lord has designated to us. Our prayers are with you.

  21. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Jackie Phifer

    Please do not advance this Bill HB2802 please stand for truth and righteousness The word of God will judge the intent of the heart and expose the evil. Stand for righteousness.
    I agree with this letter content and will pray for you Mr Bowers

  22. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Keith Krohn

    1 Corinthians 6:9-11 teaches that God saves sinners from homosexuality and gender confusion. Had it not been for God’s Holy Spirit renewing me with regards to these temptations to sin, I would have ended my life 32 years ago.

    Please understand that your duty is to uphold God’s righteous standard, not condemn sinners by protecting them as a special class of citizen who don’t have to face their sin. This unique treatment will surely keep them from being citizens of God’s eternal kingdom, and you will have to answer for that when you stand before Him.

    My prayer is that you repent of your personal sin, wash your hands of this Bill, and embrace God’s truth as revealed in His Holy Word.

  23. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Thomas & Cathy Lerud

    Mr. Bowers,

    Please reconsider your position of advancing this bill.
    We support this letter.

    Tom and Cathy Lerud
    Faith Evangelical Free Church ND
    Desert Hills Bible Church AZ

  24. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Miyuki Wood

    Mr. Bower,
    Please do not advance HB2802 as I stand in complete agreement with this letter. In the end, each one of us will stand before the Lord and give account of every deed done and every word spoken in this world. We all are made in the image of God and know what is right or wrong deep in our hearts. I plead with you to object this bill.

  25. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Christopher Burns

    Dear Mr. Bower,
    The enormity of SB2802 is like acid that erodes the family values, the freedoms of citizens, and the core principles of this great nation. In fact from your own website you wrote:
    “Recent events and the continued erosion of the core principles that made this the greatest nation on earth…” This bill works only to erode, like acid, more of the core principles that you committed yourself to preserve as a State Representative of Arizona.

    Morally, consciencely, and religiously you cannot support this bill and still be true to the core principles you claim to stand so strongly for in the state of Arizona and the United States of America. If you remember the history of our great nation, you should recall the sacrifices that were made to build this country on the Biblical truths given to us by God that has made this nation the envy of the world.

    Please consider the atrocity of this bill on future generations.

  26. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Audrey Masters

    Mental development does not occur until the age of 24. It is not right to put a decision into the hands of someone who does not have the full ability to make that decision.

  27. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Terry & Michelle L. Nummer

    Mr. Bowers:

    My wife and I strongly encourage you to drop your support of HB 2802. This Bill is a travesty and an assault on God’s written word. We ask that you not only drop your support of HB 2802, but repent of your sins, and ask God for His forgiveness.

    Arizona needs, more than ever, for our elected leaders to step up and demonstrate moral courage and unwavering faith-inspired character. Leaders lead and followers follow. We ask that you be a leader and to discharge your duties that reflect the will of the people.

    We will pray for you and your family and will be asking God to lead. guide, and direct you in making the right decision by abandoning your support for HB 2802.

    For the glory of His kingdom,

    Terry & Michelle Nummer

  28. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    John M Beall Jr

    Ecclesiastes 12:14
    For God will bring every act to judgment, everything which is hidden, whether it is good or evil.

  29. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Jim Welter

    Mr. Bowers, I pray that you will exhibit courage to withdraw your support of HB 2802, a bill that very plainly blasphemes our Creator and His sovereignty over His creation of man and woman. I also pray that you will turn away from your sin against God and put your faith in Jesus Christ alone for the forgiveness of your sins. Time is of the essence. Thank you. Jim Welter. Member of Desert Hills Bible Church.

  30. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Terry Nummer

    Mr. Bowers:

    My wife (Michelle) and I strongly encourage you to withdraw your support for HB 2802. We stand by and strongly support this letter.

    Terry & Michelle L. Nummer
    Members Desert Hills Bible Church
    Surprise, Arizona

  31. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Paul Newell

    Mr Bowers,

    I am in total agreement with this letter. Please withdraw your support from Bill HB2802. We need leaders and government officials who will take a stand for God and biblical truths. I pray that God will give you wisdom, strength and the courage to remove your support from this bill and to make a stand for truth and righteousness. Thank you…

  32. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Anthony and Vanessa Soto

    Mr. Bowers, we agree with this letter and ask that you consider withdrawing your support of HB2802. Thank you.

  33. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Alice N Trejo

    I am in agreement in support of this letter; please withdraw Bill HB2802 from going into effect. Thank you.

  34. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Granville & Ruth Lounds

    Granville and Ruth Lounds whole heartedly agree with this letter. Mr Bowers, we are strongly encouraging you to withdraw your support of HB 2802. It’s time that our elected leaders stand for biblical truth, moral and integrity. We also encourage you that if you don’t know the Lord, please consider giving your life to Christ and Repent and ask for forgiveness. Thank you.

  35. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Josh and Hannah Simpson

    Mr. Bowers,

    We agree with and support this letter. Please withdraw your support of HB2802.

    Josh and Hannah Simpson
    Peoria, AZ
    Members of Desert Hills Bible Church

    name, city, state, church affiliation, and role in your church, if any.

  36. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Josh and Hannah Simpson

    Mr. Bowers,

    We agree with and support this letter. Please withdraw your support of HB2802.

    Josh and Hannah Simpson
    Peoria, AZ
    Members of Desert Hills Bible Church

  37. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Jess Delph

    Mr. Bowers, I firmly agree with this petition and ask that you retract your support of HB2802. Romans 13:6 states that “rulers are the servants of God, devoting themselves to this very thing.” God has appointed you to your position in government to serve Him, not the world. I pray that you would seek God’s council on what this bill promotes and not support it. We will be praying that you will seek wisdom from God’s Word and carry out your position in government in a way that is pleasing to our God and creator.
    I will be praying for you!

  38. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Moira J Fosberg

    Mr. Bowers,
    I also urge you to withdraw your support for bill HB 2802.

    The word of God is more powerful than any sinful desires in the human heart. Christ Jesus can save and transform all who come to Him, by the power of His Spirit.

    Thank you

    Moira Fosberg
    Attendee of Desert Hills Bible Church
    Phoenix, AZ

  39. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Kevin and Adriana Grider

    Mr. Bowers,

    Kevin and Adriana Grider believe that this letter stands for what we believe and more important, what the word of God states on this subject. It is time for our civil servants to look for their direction from the Holy Scripture rather than a woke world. We urge you to withdraw HB2802 and any support you have for it. We also urge you to seek the light of God’s word and use it as a guide for your life and decisions made in your position of Republican Speaker of the Arizona House of Representatives. We will be praying for you in the hope that He opens your eyes to the truth.

  40. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Lisa Valead

    Senator Bowers,

    I am in support of this petition and opposed to HB 2802. The is a serious and alarming government over reach of parental authority. Please reconsider your stance.

  41. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Jeanne F Peterson

    I agree with and support every statement in this letter. Please withdraw your support of HB 2802.
    I am very concerned with the lack of moral integrity I am seeing displayed by some of our elected officials. Although you have taken an appropriate stand re Pro Life, however, I must address your support of this bill.
    The consequences of this bill will be devastating to parents rights/responsibilities (as designed by God). To disagree by supporting this bill is to disagree with God’s creation order. Please reconsider your position and seek wisdom and courage from the Lord.
    You will find everything you need to know in the Word of God and through prayer. Remember, His son died and rose again for the sins of the world. I will be praying with and for you as He leads and guides you in this decision.

  42. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Richard and Debra Ammon

    Mr. Bowers, It is necessary that you stand for the truth. The truth that God Almighty is the giver of every life and with that is also the author of every person’s gender. It’s is a dangerous thing to mess with what God has created. Psalm 139:15 states: My frame was not hidden from you.When I was made in secret, And SKILLFULLY wrought in the lowest parts of the earth

  43. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Jim and Connie Hubbard

    Dear Speaker Bowers,
    We pray you would fully consider the wisdom found in this letter!

    Jim and Connie Hubbard
    Desert Hills Bible Church Members

  44. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Andre Wilkens

    Mr. Bowers,

    I am in complete agreement with this letter. Please, for your sake, reconsider your support of HB 2802 and withdraw. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God to whom we must all give an account, and who will repay every man according to his work.

    Andre Wilkens
    Member of Desert Hills Bible Church

  45. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Jeffrey Broaddus

    Mr. Bowers. I fully agree with this open letter and encourage your deepest consideration- to reverse your support for HB2802 as an overreach of government authority and a means to codify immoral practices as spoken of by the Holy Spirit, through Paul in Romans 1:24-32. I also agree with the open letter calling for your consideration of one’s life choices and the fact that we will all give an account for those actions some day- that apart from the Grace of God through Christ, no one is saved-and He calls us to reject worldly “wisdom” and live lives that please Him. Please remove your support for this terrible bill.
    Respectfully, Jeffrey Broaddus, El Mirage, AZ. Member of Desert Hills Bible Church

  46. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Tod and Lisa Burres

    We agree with this letter and urge you to withdraw your support for HB 2802 for the good of the people of Arizona. We pray for god’s best for you and our state.

    Tod and Lisa Burres
    Members, Desert Hills Bible Church
    Phoenix, AZ

  47. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Aaron and Lauren Genaro

    We agree with the letter above and urge you to reconsider your position on this bill.
    We also pray that you will come to a personal saving knowledge of Christ.

    Aaron and Lauren Genaro
    Glendale, AZ
    Desert Hills Bible Church

  48. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Randy and Lori Hack

    Please include the Hack household to this letter. Randy, Lori, Connor, Landon, Carson, and Liam Hack. Phoenix, AZ. DHBC member.

  49. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Bob and Nanci Jones

    My wife, Nanci, and I are in full support of the content of the letter, and hope that Mr. Bowers will take it to heart and withdraw his support of HB 2802.

  50. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Jaime Inman

    Please rescind your support of HB2802 and stand for truth and righteousness in our state. I pray you will see the wisdom of God’s word and the compassion conveyed in this open letter.

  51. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Bob and Nanci Jones

    My wife, Nanci, and I agree wholeheartedly with the content of the letter. We assert that gender and sexuality are not political matters, but issues governed by God, who created male and female. We urge Mr. Bowers to withdraw his support for HB 2802.

  52. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    James Manley

    Mr. Bowers,

    I agree with this letter and support the church’s position. Please withdraw your support of HB2802.

    James Manley

  53. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Wade Hauff.

    I am a member of Desert Hills Bible Church and agree whole heartedly with what is written in this attached letter letter.

  54. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Brad and Allison Cunningham

    Mr Bowers,

    We are in complete agreement with this letter. Please remove your support for HB 2802.

    Brad & Allison Cunningham
    Members of Desert Hills Bible Church

  55. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Victoria Harper

    I am a member of Desert Hills Bible church in Phoenix, AZ. I agree with this letter completely. The passing of this law would send AZ down a slippery slope where no one who suffers from gender disphoria would be able to get the help they need and deserve. God will not let us, His people, to remain silent on such an important issue. We must follow God’s leading and call this out and do what we must to stand against this bill. Please remove your support from this bill.

  56. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers


    Senator Bowers –
    I stand behind every word in this letter and pray that you will not support HB 2802.
    Desert Hills Bible Church

  57. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Brad and Cindy Hendrix

    Speaker Bowers, my wife and I are in full support of the above letter. We plead with you to withdraw your support of HB 2802. Repent and believe the gospel, and you will be saved.

    Brad and Cindy Hendrix

  58. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Stephanie McCairel

    Joe and Stephanie McCairel believe that this letter stands for what we believe and more important, what the word of God states on this subject. It is time for our civil servants to look for their direction from the Holy Scripture rather than a woke world. We urge you to withdraw HB2802 and any support you have for it. We also urge you to seek the light of God’s word and use it as a guide for your life and decisions made in your position of Republican Speaker of the Arizona House of Representatives. We will be praying for you in the hope that He opens your eyes & heart to the truth.
    Members of Desert Hills Bible Church

  59. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Allison Cunningham

    Mr. Bowers

    We completely agree with this letter. Please reconsider your support for HB 2802.

    Brad and Allison Cunningham
    Surprise, AZ
    Members of Desert Hills Bible Church

  60. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers


    I am in complete agreement with the letter seeking your reconsideration of support for HB 2802.
    Terry Peterson
    Member of Desert Hills Bible Church
    Phoenix AZ

  61. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Bob Reynolds

    It is clear Biblical truth that God created them (Adam & Eve) man and woman. It is the responsibility of parents and grandparents to raise our children and grandchildren in the knowledge of God and salvation in Christ by faith through grace. It is not the right or responsibility of government to do so which this bill would do. I prayerfully urge you to withdraw your support of HB 2802.

    Bob Reynolds
    Phoenix, AZ
    Member of Desert Hills Bible Church

  62. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    William Cunningham

    We are in complete agreement with this letter. We hope you reconsider your support and withdraw HB2802.
    William and Angie Cunningham
    Surprise, Az.
    Desert Hills Bible Church Members

  63. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Mark Beck

    Mr. Bowers,

    My wife and I stand in agreement with the above request that you withdraw your support for HB 2802. As Christians and parents, we object to the infringement on our parental rights that your legislation proposes. Additionally, we oppose any effort in our State to codify sin.
    Thank you,
    The Becks
    Phoenix, Arizona

  64. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Robert and Linda Brunansky

    I am so thankful for this thoughtful, Christ centered pastor and his letter! I pray you will consider the consequences of passing this horrible bill. Parents rights must never be infringed upon. Parents are children’s first line of defense, and often their only defense. Please do not support this bill. Be strong in the Truth and support the family!

  65. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Pamela Villanueva

    I am in complete agreement with this letter.
    Pamela Villanueva
    Desert Hills Bible Church member

  66. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Lucille Whiteside

    I am in agreement with this letter and ask you for your sake and for the sake of today’s children and the coming generations to rescind your support of HB 2802.

  67. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Bob and Linda Brunansky

    We agree with this letter from our Pastor. Mr. Bowers you should reconsider this bill as it truly has no place in society.

  68. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Edward T. Gerdemann

    I totally agree with this letter and urge you to immediately withdraw this bill. It will lead to government intrusion into the right of parents to raise their children in the manner they see fit, and it will erode religious liberty. Activist judges could use it as an excuse to intrude into an even greater degree into these two basic freedoms in our democratic republic. Please heed the warnings in this letter.

    Edward T. Gerdemann
    Member, Desert Hills Bible Church

  69. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers


    I agree with the letter attached and pray for you to have better discernment and wisdom as to how harmful this bill will be.

  70. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Lane and Renee MacAllister

    Mr. Bowers,

    It appears that these actions conflict with the statements on your website, referencing your unique conservative outlook :

    “Recent events and the continued erosion of the core principles that made this the greatest nation on earth have caused Rusty to reflect and realize that he still has a lot to offer to the individuals, families and businesses in this area and the state. His unique conservative outlook will help restore our communities and state to a principles-based society…

    Please reverse your support of HB2802.

  71. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Robert Hubbard

    I urge you, Mr. Bowers, to very carefully consider this letter and the truth it conveys, which I totally agree with, and withdraw your support of this HB 2802 bill. For your own good and the good of humanity, please back away from this bill and do not promote or support it in any way.

    Robert Hubbard
    Mesa, AZ
    Attendee of Desert Hills Bible Church and born-again believer in Jesus Christ who is the Son of the living God.

  72. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Lisa Kelley

    Mr Bowers,

    This is taken directly from your website:

    “Recent events and the continued erosion of the core principles that made this the greatest nation on earth have caused Rusty to reflect and realize that he still has a lot to offer to the individuals, families and businesses in this area and the state. His unique conservative outlook will help restore our communities and state to a principles-based society that develops strong individuals working in a strong economy with good jobs.”

    There is nothing conservative about HB 2802, nor will it help restore our communities. The only thing that will restore our nation is repentance and acceptance of Jesus Christ. The next thing it will take is for legislators to remember that you serve We The People.

    What you can offer the constinuents you serve is to rescind this bill, we do not want it. I am thankful for the boldness of our pastors speaking the truth.

    Lisa Kelley

  73. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Nathan Johnson

    Do not align yourself with evil (HB2802) Rusty. There is a way which seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death!

    Nathan Johnson
    Glendale, AZ
    Desert Hills Bible Church Member

  74. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Michael Milkey

    As sinners whose lives have been redeemed and transformed by the power of God through His Son, Jesus Christ – I and my wife, Cynthia, can attest to the objective Truth of God’s written Word. We completely agree with the contents of this letter and urge you, Mr. Bowers, to thoughtfully and fearfully consider the wisdom and truth described therein for the good of those who have placed you in your high office and responsibility. We urge you to renounce this most damaging and evil legislation and ask that you withdraw your support of same.

    • Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

      Lowell and Joan Downer

      Dear Representative Bowers,
      Please reconsider how you will one day stand before God to give a full account of your life. HB2802 goes against all of God’s holy laws. My husband and I fully support this Open Letter to you.

  75. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Lowell and Joan Downer

    Dear Representative Bowers,
    Please reconsider how you will one day stand before God to give a full account of your life. HB2802 goes against all of God’s holy laws. My husband and I fully support this Open Letter to you.

  76. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Michael Etchie

    I endorse this letter because it comes from watchmen of God. They see the moral corruptness that continues to erode our society and its institutions. Mr Bowers, I implore you to withdraw your support of HB 2802. In your governing, please look to God and His Word for knowledge, understanding, and wisdom.

    Michael Etchie
    Peoria, Arizona

  77. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Rochelle Swenson

    Mr. Bower,
    Please prayerfully consider what we are asking of you. Above all else our salvation and subsequent seeking to live lives and make decisions that honor our Lord, must be the primary focus in life. I prayerfully ask that you would NOT support this bill.
    Rochelle Swenson
    Peoria, AZ
    soon to be member of Desert Hills Church

  78. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Carrie Jo O'Connor

    I totally agree with these statements . Please withdraw your support of this.
    Glendale , Arizona
    Desert hills bible church

  79. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Debbie Maltby

    Dear Rusty Bowers.
    Please remove your support from this bill. I support this open letter.
    I plead with you to repent and read God’s word for yourself and seek him. Proverbs 8: 34-36 Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at his gates, waiting at my doorposts. For he who finds me finds life and obtains favor from the Lord.
    But he who sins against me injures himself; all those who hate me love death.
    I am very concerned that if you support this bill. You will bring harm on the state of Arizona as well as yourself. God is a Holy righteous God! I am praying for you!!

  80. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Chad Estle

    This bill not only supports and defends what scripture says is an abomination, but attempts to remove a manner in which God’s children may be brought out of darkness and into the light. Please remove your support of this bill.

  81. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Gary Brawley

    Speaker Bowers,

    I am in complete agreement with the position and this letter from Desert Hills Bible Church and pray that you re-evaluate your position on House Bill 2802 and remove your support for this Bill. In addition, I pray that your stance will be seen honorable and trustworthy and that others will follow too. Our culture today is sliding fast into an abyss we do not want to see the consequences of. Thank you for hearing our concerns.

  82. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Darlene Gillow

    I am a firm believer that God made no mistakes in our creation. Our God made us male or female. He made deer ( buck or doe), elk (bull or cow) and so on it goes. The world’s brain washing is messing up our society and we need our churches to speak the truth and be there for the hurting. Why would you want to cause further hurting instead of a lasting solution?

  83. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Abigail L. Downer

    Dear Representative Bowers,

    Please heed these godly words, for your good and the good of the people of Arizona.

    Abigail L. Downer
    Phoenix, AZ
    Desert Hills Bible Church

  84. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Merrill Robinson

    Dear Representative Bowers,

    I agree with the above letter and urge you to withdraw your support of HB 2802.

    Merrill W. Robinson
    Glendale, AZ
    Desert Hills Bible Church

  85. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Jan Hearn

    Speaker Bowers,
    I pray that you will search your heart and seek God’s Word regarding every decision you make in the Arizona House of Representatives. Please withdraw your support of Arizona House Bill 2802 as it is a mockery of God’s perfect plan and model for marriage and family. I am a 27 year voting resident of Arizona. I pray that you confess and repent of your sin and receive forgiveness and eternal life through Jesus Christ ! I pray that you align all of your government responsibilities with God’s perfect, unchanging and eternal Word.

  86. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Brian & Amber Jones

    Dear Representative Bowers,

    We agree with this letter. Please do not support evil. It is the duty of the magistrate to uphold justice and righteousness. Reject and denounce this HB2802 boldly & publicly.

    Repent & believe in Christ Jesus for salvation from your sin. His lovingkindness is strong and true to those who are in Him. You and your colleagues are in our prayers!

    Kindest Regards,
    Brian & Amber Jones
    Glendale, AZ
    Desert Hills Bible Church

  87. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Brian & Amber Jones

    Dear Representative Bowers,

    We agree with this letter. Please do not support evil. It is the duty of the magistrate to uphold justice and righteousness. Reject and denounce this HB2802 bill boldly and publicly.

    Repent and believe in Christ Jesus for salvation from your sin. His loving kindness is strong and true to those who are in Him. You and your colleagues are in our prayers!

    Kindest Regards,
    Brian & Amber Jones
    Glendale, AZ
    Desert Hills Bible Church

  88. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Robert Harper

    Speaker Bowers,

    I urge you to withdraw support of HB 2802. You will answer to the voters of the State of Arizona for your decision in passing a bill that will only serve to prevent people suffering from gender confusion from seeking and getting the help they so desperately need.
    You will also answer to the God who created everything and to whom you must give an account on the day of judgement. I pray that you will make the right decision to honor the families whose lives would be adversely affected by this bill and that you will place your faith in Jesus Christ alone who can save you from the wrath of God
    and lead you to salvation and into a life that will please Him.

    Bob Harper
    Phoenix Arizona
    Desert Hills Bible Church member

  89. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Kirk Maltby

    I agree with the above letter. I urge you to withdraw your support for HB2802.
    Glendale, AZ
    Desert Hills Bible Church member

  90. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Elizabeth Francis

    I whole heartedly agree and support the statements made in this letter. I urge Mr Bowers to read this letter and let the gravity of it sink into his heart for his own salvation. My votes in the state of Arizona will never go to people who support ungodly practices and usurp God’s authority. This bill is an evil attempt of Satan to reject God. Anyone endorsing it is also an evil instrument of the Devil.
    Elizabeth Francis
    Phoenix, AZ
    Desert Hills Bible Church

  91. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Chad Ryan

    I support this letter and ask that this bill be blocked, rescinded, banned or shredded as it is an attack on our first amendment right to religious freedom.

  92. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Steve Mork

    I fully support this letter and urge you to not support this legislation. Thank you for your consideration in this matter.

    Steve Mork
    Peoria, AZ
    Desert Hills Bible Church
    Sunday School Teacher

  93. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Bob and Roberta Blaser

    Please withdraw your support from HB2802. Supporting this bill is contrary to God’s Word and the GOP constituents who placed you into office.

  94. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Jeffrey Gennaro

    I fully support this letter and urge you to not support this legislation. Thank you for your consideration in this matter.

  95. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    William Estle

    I totally agree with this letter and ask that you to please reconsider your support of this bill that inherently goes against scriptural teaching.

  96. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Joshua Finnson

    I agree with the above letter, please withdraw support from this bill.
    Joshua Finnson, Phoenix, AZ
    Desert Hills Bible Church

  97. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Carolyn Boyd

    I agree with the above letter and urge you to withdraw your support of HB2802.
    Carolyn Boyd
    Glendale, AZ
    Desert Hills Bible Church

  98. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Mary Nicolosi

    Mr Bowers
    I strongly urge you to withdrawn your support for House Bill 2802 for the sake of our innocent children
    Thank you
    Desert Hills Bible Church

  99. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Brenda LaChance

    Please withdraw your support of the HB 2802. Someone must stand in the gap for our children. They need to be protected.

  100. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Kevin Huston

    Mr. Bowers,

    It is out of a love for God’s Word, our community, and the souls of all mankind (including your own) that we write to you on this matter. We implore you to remove your support from HB 2802.

    Perfect righteousness and love are found in the person of Jesus Christ, being God incarnate. His love is a holy love, and as such, directly opposes this perversion, HB 2802. The Lord Jesus Christ Himself is the complete/perfect and unchanging embodiment of righteousness, holiness, love and truth, and He does not change (Hebrews 13:8).

    Stand against this perversion and stand for that which does not change, the truth.

    My prayers are with you and for you, for your good.

    In the magnificent and matchless love of Christ,

    Kevin Huston

  101. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Colleen Sparks

    Speaker Rusty Bowers, we ask that you heed this important letter that we agree with in its entirety. Our government has a long history of usurping the authority of God. As our elected representative, we ask that you heed your constituents’ request to withdraw your support for the anti-God, anti-Christ HB 2802. Be our guard. Stand strong in opposition to far reaching evil.

    • Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

      Jimenez Family

      Please Speaker Bowers, prayerfully, choose whom you will serve. Kindly remove your support of HB 2802. You can ask Jesus to give you the strength. You can help to prevent many families from experiencing the pain of losing their loved ones by maintaining and allowing them the freedom to choose to be
      lovingly treated through counseling, allowing them to not only endure but to thrive in difficult trials. Be strong and courageous.

  102. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Chris Pane

    Please do not continue to move forward with this bill. . Regardless of what Obama said regarding the USA not being a Christian nation any more we were in fact founded as a nation with all but two men a bible believer and follower of Jesus Christ. It seems as if there is a big push from our government, mainstream media, big pharma, big corp, and the entertainment world that want the God of the bible gone. The God of the Bible is a very gracious God and as such He surely is giving man over to the lusts of their hearts. Do not be part of this abomination Mr. Bowers.

    Chris Pane
    Desert Hills Bible Church

  103. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Bonnie Mock

    Mr. Rusty Bowers. it is with great compassion and urgency, that I encourage you to please withdraw any and all support you have on bill HB 2802.

    Desert Hills Bible Church

  104. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Cecily duPont

    I agree with the logic and reasoning of the above letter and strongly urge you to withdraw your support of HB 2802.

    Cecily duPont
    Mesa, AZ
    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

  105. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Phillip Duncan

    Phillip Duncan
    Peoria, Arizona
    Desert Hills Bible Church – Missions Committee Chairman

    Mr. Bowers, please withdrawal your support for HB2802 which will be damaging to individuals, families and our community and state. More importantly I pray you will head the call of Jesus to repent and believe the gospel for the salvation of your soul.

  106. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Don and Belinda Surface

    We are praying that you will have a change of heart and withdraw HB2802. More importantly, please pray over this letter and ask the Lord to change your heart to see Him as your Lord and Savior. May God bless you as you follow His leading.

  107. Desert Hills Bible Church | HB 2802: An Open Letter to Rusty Bowers

    Karen wood

    Rusty, WE THE PEOPLE do NOT agree with the direction to which you have strayed. Please repent and follow God’s path to righteousness. NEVER codify and condone behaviors that are abhorrent to God.

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