DHBC Leaves the EFCA
Published May 26, 2020
For over 50 years, Desert Hills has been part of the Evangelical Free Church of America, but on May 15 we submitted our notification of withdrawal to the EFCA. In an earlier article, I discussed two reasons why we changed the name of the church from Desert Hills Evangelical Free Church to Desert Hills Bible Church, with a note that a third reason would be forthcoming. The third reason is because we are no longer affiliated with the EFCA, so it was necessary to remove that from the church name.
We have many reasons why we decided to withdraw from the EFCA, and we have discussed several of them here and here. These articles explain the compromises of biblical truth being made at the highest levels of the movement. Ultimately, our allegiance is to Jesus Christ and His Word, not to a movement of churches or a denominational structure. Therefore, when a denomination or movement unrepentantly sponsors false teachers being given a platform to espouse unbiblical ideologies, such as syncretizing Christianity with eastern religions, endorsing homosexual relationships, promoting women as pastors/elders, and pushing a social justice agenda, we cannot stand idly by and continue to be a part of such an organization. Our hearts are grieved as we see the compromise that has infiltrated so many organizations and institutions take root in the EFCA as well, and we pray that God will grant the leadership repentance.
Desert Hills will be a nondenominational Bible church for the near future. We have not decided to join any new movements, organizations, or denominations at this time, but we also have not ruled out the possibility at some point in the future. We also do not plan to be an isolated church. We look forward to numerous partnerships with others of like faith and practice to advance the gospel and the name of Jesus Christ at home and around the globe, including various missionaries and other local churches.
The elders ask for your prayers as we seek to lead this church in the days ahead in our transition out of the EFCA. We have numerous tasks to accomplish, including a new statement of faith, updating the bylaws and constitution, and many other administrative tasks related to the name and affiliation change. Thank you for your faithfulness to the Lord and to His church. We appreciate your prayers, and it is our joy and privilege to serve you.
Marilyn Snyder
We are currently seeking a home church. Please advise of your COVID-19 protocol. What a shame we have to even consider such a matter.
Thank you!
Hi Marilyn, we provide masks and sanitizer to those who want them and clean the worship center between services. Besides that, we are operating as normal. Hope you will join us tomorrow!