Women’s Ministry
Encouraging women to grow in their love for the Lord, their service to one another, and their opportunities to reach unsaved women with the gospel.
Bible Studies
Bible Studies provide opportunities for women to meet together to dig deeper into God’s Word. We have morning and evening Bible studies to try to meet the needs of a variety of schedules of the women in our church and our community. Check out our Groups and join a Bible study today!

Second Saturday Breakfast
Women of Desert Hills, we hope you will join us on the second Saturday of each month at 9:00am for breakfast, fellowship, and study of God’s Word. To ensure that we have enough food for everyone, we ask that you RSVP ahead of time on our website. We look forward to our time of fellowship and encouragement around God’s Word.

Women's Prayer Meeting
Monthly group prayer meeting for the women of Desert Hills Bible Church to pray corporately for the church leaders, people, and ministries. Please join us in the church library on the Second Saturday of each month, from 8:00 AM – 9:00AM.

New & Expectant Moms
Looking to serve new and expectant mothers at DHBC? This ministry is looking for women who are willing to do just that. Some of the needs include: (1) someone to gather and manage a resource list for professionals within the church that can be provided to moms; (2) someone to help organize and / or serve our annual Swip Swap event; (3) someone to gather supplies and organize baby baskets for new moms; (4) any who make homemade items for our basket – small gifts for mom / baby, soaps, lotions, etc. Please contact the church office if you are interested in more information!

Meal Train
The Meal Train Ministry provides meals to those in need. We are continuing to add additional volunteers to this ministry. Members at Desert Hills Bible Church who want to serve may request to join the group on the ChurchCenter app. Requests for meals or additional information may be made at [email protected].

Special Events
Special Events take place at various times throughout the year. Women’s retreats, days of encouragement, holiday teas, and more are scheduled to allow women to fellowship together and encourage one another in their faith in Christ.

Only groups that are listed on the church website are church-authorized. All other groups, whether led by members or not, are acting independently.