God calls us in Acts 1:8 to be His witnesses in “Jerusalem… and to the remotest part of the earth.” Join us as we seek to be relentlessly biblical by sharing Christ locally at First Friday, Glendale Glitters, abortion centers, sporting events, and college campuses.

Evangelism Training
For anyone who would like help overcoming common challenges to evangelism and find encouragement to do so, we invite you to join us on the fourth Saturday of each month at 10:30 AM for our Evangelism Training classes. We will meet on campus, in the Family Center, room 108. Hope to see you there!

Operation Christmas Child
Each year, DHBC partners with Samaritan’s Purse International Relief to fill hundreds of Christmas shoe boxes for children around the world. Operation Christmas Child is a project of Samaritan’s Purse, an international relief organization. The mission is to provide local partners around the world with shoeboxes filled with small toys, hygiene items, and school supplies as a means of reaching out to children in their own communities with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Samaritan’s Purse ships these simple gifts outside the United States to children affected by war, poverty, natural disaster, famine, and disease.

Only groups that are listed on the church website are church-authorized. All other groups, whether led by members or not, are acting independently.