Desert Hills Bible Institute
Desert Hills Bible Institute serves as a theological educational ministry of Desert Hills Bible Church in a specialized capacity—that is, beyond the regular preaching of God’s Word in general congregational settings. Students will complete seminary level study.
The mission of DHBC has long been to advance Christ’s kingdom—or “reach the world”—through multiplication. Part of that multiplication necessarily involves the Great Commission’s aspect of sending. If DHBC will send disciple-making disciples, a reasonable way to facilitate that sending is by equipping such ministers from the resources God has graciously and abundantly afforded DHBC.
Theological educational institutions often have been established in conjunction with churches and/or denominations and have maintained biblical and theological fidelity as long as close identification with the faithful local church is maintained. Desert Hills Bible Institute is established, therefore, as a ministry of Desert Hills Bible Church and intends to maintain operation under its auspices and in accord with its mission and statement of faith, particularly since the produce of this ministry will be pastors, teachers, and missionaries being sent from DHBC.
Summer Opportunity
Interested in better equipping yourself to “think God’s thoughts after him” with world renowned Bible teachers this summer? Desert Hills Bible Institute is planning to offer two to three summer condensed courses taught by Dr. Stephen J. Wellum, Dr. Stuart Scott, and our own Dr. Robb Brunansky. All courses are available to full students and auditors and qualify for academic course credit through both The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and Phoenix Seminary. So that we can determine a student body sufficient for offering the course(s), please express your serious interest by:
- completing our survey linked in the button below
- completing the application asap! in order to qualify for Summer course enrollment.

Philosophy & Application
Desert Hills Bible Institute is a ministry of Desert Hills Bible Church.
Read more about the Institute’s rationale and philosophy here.

Frequently Asked Questions
The following provides answers to frequently asked questions about Desert Hills Bible Institute.
Applicants need not have an interest in vocational ministry. While the institute’s primary goal is to train those seeking to plant churches in the Phoenix valley (and/or beyond) or serve as vocational missionaries either domestically or internationally, the vision of DHBI is to contribute to fulfilling Christ’s Great Commission by equipping his disciples to be faithful in obeying all that he has commanded by knowing more faithfully and fully precisely what he has commanded.
Christ’s disciples—“from the least of them to the greatest of them” (Jer 31:34)—are said to know God. Moses, wanting to know God in this consummate way, prayed, “let me know Your ways that I may know You” (Exod 33:13). Seeing the glory of God, as Moses both requested and desired for all God’s people (Num 11:29), entails knowing “Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Col 2:3; cf. 2 Cor 4:6). The more one knows God’s ways—that is, his self-disclosure in Scripture and its precepts—the more one can faithfully know, love, and serve God. This is the calling of every disciple of Jesus Christ. Therefore, DHBI welcomes all eager students of God’s Word.
DHBC Equip Groups offer a Sunday morning opportunity for Bible or theological study, prayer, and fellowship distinct from congregational worship or home group gatherings. The dynamic studies are lecture-based and somewhat interactive. In joining DHBC’s joyful duty of equipping the saints and building up the body of Christ (Eph 4:12–13), Desert Hills Bible Institute provides a more formal and rigorous educational setting similar to that of a seminary. Rather than optional attendance and lectures, students study and complete graduate level assignments as they imbibe God’s Word and precepts. Further, the goal of equipping vocational ministers such as pastors and missionaries distinguishes the mission of DHBI from that of congregational Equip Groups.
Applicants indicate their Christian confession and local church membership in a formal application, either print or online, which, at DHBI’s discretion, may also include a formal interview with DHBI Admissions. All applicants remit a nominal, non-refundable application fee. DHBI admits both male and female students from both DHBC’s membership and other likeminded churches, though courses intended for pastoral ministry training are reserved for male students, in accord with DHBC’s stated doctrinal convictions (see Statement of Faith, “What We Teach at Desert Hills Bible Church,” VII. The Church, F).
Courses are tuition-assigned in accord with a fee structure listed below. Because DHBC understands the sometimes cost-prohibitive nature of formal seminary education, yet simultaneously desires to equip well its dispatched ministers and faithful congregants, the tuition and fee structure is designed to accommodate students from a diverse range of economic statuses. Scholarships may also be available.
Because DHBI is a ministry of DHBC, and a service with expenses, tuition and fees are reasonably situated in comparison with similar ministries. The following chart gives applicants an idea of expenses, not including textbooks or possible additional resource expenses. Courses will typically be 3 credit hour courses.
As mentioned in the previous question, applicants may be considered for scholarships.
DHBI Course Withdrawal Policy
Students may withdraw from a course by selecting “Unenroll” on the Course Selection page of the QuickSchools Student Information System. The date-stamp will apply the withdrawal according to the following schedule:
Students dismissed for conduct contrary to the affirmed application Honor Statement, course syllabus, and/or Desert Hills Bible Church stated mission and vision (https://deserthillschurch.com/what-we-believe) are ineligible for a tuition refund. Withdrawn courses will appear on the student’s transcript as a grade of “WP—Withdraw Passing” or “WF—Withdraw Failing” as determined by the instructor.
For applicants desiring education only in particular courses, rather than completing the full program of study, two options are available. First, candidates who desire full investment in a course and its coursework may apply and register for any one course. Second, auditor applicants may be admitted with reduced tuition. While auditors will complete the common application process, if admitted, they are under no obligation to complete written assignments or be subject to grading or transcript.
DHBI offers one to three courses per semester depending on faculty availability and student population. Courses typically compare with 3 credit hour seminary course instruction. Because DHBI provides adult education, courses are evening offerings only, two or three nights per week for 15-week semesters in the Fall and Spring. One-week Summer intensive courses are offered depending on faculty availability.
Desert Hills Bible Institute offers graduate/seminary level instruction to equip gospel ministers as well as Christ-followers who simply want to improve their biblical theological literacy in order, like Apollos, to serve their Lord more faithfully by knowing “the way of God more accurately” (Acts 18:24–26; cf. Exod 33:13). Instruction in the following areas is offered: Biblical Interpretation, Biblical and Systematic Theology, Church History and Tradition, Biblical Languages, Pastoral and Leadership Ministries, Homiletics, Apologetics and Evangelism, and Missions, Culture, and Ethics.
As a ministry of DHBC, DHBI offices and classrooms are located on DHBC’s Glendale, Arizona campus. No online instruction is currently offered, though periodic electronic correspondence will be necessary.
Students are responsible for acquiring course materials such as reading materials, assignment completion tools (e.g., computer, paper, printers, etc.), class participation and note-taking media, etc.
Classrooms offer Wi-Fi accessibility, restroom facilities, and kitchen/lounge access.
The DHBC library is available to students during prescribed hours and for borrowing necessary resources. Local (and digital) library sharing programs may be available.
God has graciously afforded DHBC several formally theologically trained members, among whom are two who hold Doctor of Philosophy degrees in theological studies and approximately seven who hold a Master of Divinity degree.
Additionally, DHBI will occasionally host visiting professors from reputable and theologically like-minded institutions.
Regional accrediting is a lengthy process, typically completed in years rather than weeks. DHBI’s initial goal is to equip faithful ministers to be sent-out from DHBC “for the sake of the Name” (3 John 1:7). While DHBI does not currently hold regional accreditation, the Institute partners with regionally accredited institutions to secure transfer credit for many of the courses offered. Full accreditation is a future consideration.
DHBI offers course transcripts to requesting students who complete courses. This record of study may be considered beneficial by other local churches and/or ministry agencies should a student be providentially relocated prior to being sent-out by DHBC.
Anyone not necessarily interested in being a student at DHBI may certainly be a blessing to its students, and consequently to the kingdom of Christ, as more and more faithful, biblically trained ministers of the gospel are dispatched from DHBC.
You may pray earnestly for DHBI—its leadership, faculty, and students, operations, biblical and ministerial faithfulness, and for all the provisions necessary “to equip the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ; until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ” (Eph 4:12–13).
Because Ecclesiastes 10:19c is proverbially true 😉, designated donations of any amount are gratefully accepted here.
Further inquiries may be sent to [email protected]. Inquirers may also keep track of important updates at this webpage.