Love God. Serve One Another. Reach the World.

Children’s Ministry

Equipping parents to teach their children to love God, serve one another, and reach the world.

Desert Hills Children’s Ministry exists to equip parents to teach and disciple their children to love God, serve one another, and reach the world. We minister to families by putting solid biblical resources in the hands of parents, modeling discipleship with children, and encouraging parents to teach their children by word and example to worship and glorify Christ. All of our children’s workers are screened and background checked to ensure a safe environment for your children.

Children’s Sunday School mornings at 8:15 and 10:00am – we have children’s Sunday school for children from three years old through twelve years old while adults are attending fellowship groups. We use the curriculum Generations of Grace, which takes children through the Bible every three years. We coordinate lessons with the parents, who can use these guides to teach their children at home throughout the week.

Sunday mornings worship services are at 8:15, 10:00 and 11:45am our church family gathers for worship, and children are an integral part of the body of Christ worshiping together. All children ages 5 and up remain in the service with their families. The nursery is for children under 3 and is available only for the 8:15 and 10:00 worship services currently. Parents always have the option, and are encouraged, to keep their children with them when the church gathers for worship.

Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm we have our AWANA clubs. These 90-minute clubs are for children from 3 years old through sixth grade. At AWANA the kids play games, learn the meaning of God’s Word, and hide His Word in their hearts through Bible memory. AWANA meets every Wednesday night from September through May.

Summer VBS is a great time for kids to have fun and learn God’s Word for a week during the summer. Our VBS curriculum is written by our children’s ministry staff to ensure it is of the highest quality biblically and theologically. VBS is for kids three years old through 6th grade (completed). Schedule: June 14-18 from 9:00-11:00